Source Pak Alert Press
Date: January 24, 2011
A shortage of food is being intentionally staged around the world. Apparently, if we resist the theft and seizure of food production and supply by bio-pirates and facilitated by government puppets, we will be intentionally starved into submission. Threats of the food shortage are constantly launched into “lame stream media” as a warning to the rest of us that we had better comply or face the fate of those poorer nations where millions are suffering from famine or death from lack of food.
Also see: Doomsday Seed Vault: Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t
Somehow this scenario is in conflict with the PR propaganda of bio-pirates who claim their contaminated, harmful, genetically modified creations are the answer to the worlds food needs.
Claiming their Frankenfoods can somehow alleviate famine and hunger, these predators have bought and paid their way through one government after another as agricultural land is stolen, farmers displaced, and local food production is eradicated in favor of global corporate food control.
The problem is this: even with all the gmo seeds and crops, now comprising an estimated 70% of global production, and even with the constant tampering with animal dna and cloning, more of the world’s population is now suffering from a shortage of food or maybe a better description would be suffering from the withholding of food.
So where is this benefit from handing global food control over to corporate profiteers? It seems the only benefit is monetary and that is enjoyed only by corporations and governments who stuff their pockets while millions go hungry.
Looking at the data, it appears that gmo, dna tampering and cloning have decreased the global food supply to such an extent that the entire globe is now facing a food shortage.
This has to be so… else could we be facing a global food crisis when bio-pirates have been allowed such latitude and preferential treatment by governments’ worldwide, while promising they could end world hunger?
Where is all this abundance of food claimed by these multi-national pirate corporations that would somehow magically and mysteriously appear if only they were allowed to control all the processes? It appears evident that all the promises of increased food production from unnatural processes and unnecessary tampering with seeds, animals, poultry and even fish has no basis in fact. In fact, the only plausible reason that makes any sense as to why any of this has been allowed is profit and control. What is the use of producing 20% more corn if the nutritional value is less than half of traditional corn crops? Food isn’t just about bulk or quantity, it has to be nutritious enough to sustain us.
Factory farming, courtesy of subsidies and protection by USDA/FDA and preferential legislation by those wonderful folks in the District of Criminals, have created an environmental disaster not only for the animals but for land and water supplies. Add the recent theft of food production and supply courtesy of “Dirty Harry” Reid with his underhanded and corrupt passage of S.510 (S2751) the fake food safety bill; a bill which had nothing to do with food safety and was instead an all out assault on family farms and ranches meant to make continuing in agriculture untenable for anyone other than multi-national corporations and a bill which will force into export much of what is produced here in the US, and the stage is set for the intentional creation of a food shortage here at home. None of this is accidental.
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