Thursday, March 31, 2011

Domaaki: A Vanishing Voice by Aziz Ali Dad

The following article  “Domaaki: A Vanishing Voice” by Aziz Ali Dad, source “Friday Times, April 1-7, 2011”.

Follows the life and times of an important mother tongue of Pakistan.

On 21 February, 1952, the students of Dhaka University and political activists defied a ban on public rallies to protest against the Pakistani state’s attempt to impose Urdu as the sole national language of Pakistan. Police resorted to firing, which resulted in the killing of four students. That was the first sacrifice of a people for their mother language in modern times, and in 1999 the General Conference of UNESCO proclaimed February 21 as International Mother Language Day. Now this day is celebrated as International Mother Language Day across the world.

The phenomenon of linguicide is very modern. The events that unfolded during the Bengali Language Movement and their ramifications on the Pakistani polity were manifestations of modernity and its discontents. This is not to deny the occurrence of language death in the past; but with the advent of modernity, the pace of language extinction has accelerated.

In the post-Enlightenment period the world has not witnessed the creation of any new language. Only Esperanto, an artificial language, was created, but it failed to take root because it did not have organic links with a society or culture. Daniel Nettle and Suzanne Romaine in their book ‘Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World’s Languages’ declared the United States alone as a graveyard for hundreds of languages. And yet it is a country that is the epitome of progress and modernity!
One of the moribund languages in Pakistan is Domaaki of Hunza. According to Georg Buddruss, Domaaki “originally belonged to the so-called ‘Central Group’ of Indo-Aryan languages somewhere south of Kashmir”. Previously this language was spoken by Doms (Domaaki speakers) inhabiting different regions of Gilgit-Baltistan. Now the speakers of this language reside in Mominabad (erstwhile Bayrishal) village in Hunza. Domaaki people worked as musicians and blacksmiths for centuries. (Even today, many musicians in the Punjab are referred to as “dom” or “doom”.) They are the repositories of indigenous music, engineering and crafts, but they have been treated as pariahs in our caste society. Politically, there was a complete disconnect between the traditional power structure and the Domaaki speaker. Even the Mir of Hunza prohibited them from speaking the Brushashki language. Doms are the only group of people that is not allowed to marry with other social groups. This has resulted in the painful isolation of Doms from the mainstream of society.

The advent of modernity has proved conducive for Doms to break the shackles of professions that have stunted their social mobility for centuries. Now they have succeeded to bring about a positive change in their economic lot and social status by making progress in other fields of life. Therefore, it can be said that modernity provided a deprived community with the opportunity of upward mobility. But modernity, in order to move along (or ‘progress’), must rupture tradition by bringing forth contradictions that persist beneath an apparent veneer of continuity.

The dilemma faced by Domaaki speakers is that if they rely on the traditional structure of society they have to remain vulnerable to the exploitation of society. On the other hand, modernity deprives Domaaki speakers of their identity, but at least it gives them human dignity and freedom, which are things they have long been denied. That is why many of them prefer to live with honor sans identity in modern structures, rather than living in a tradition that has kept them in disdain for centuries.

American linguist John McWhorter has captured an inherent dilemma in the dialectics of continuity and change and its impact on local languages in these words: ‘At the end of the day, language death is, ironically, a symptom of people coming together. Globalization means hitherto isolated peoples migrating and sharing space.... The alternative, it would seem, is indigenous groups left to live in isolationcomplete with the maltreatment of women and lack of access to modern medicine and technology typical of such societies.’ 

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

NCSW proposes severe punishments for acid crimes

Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

Date: 21 March, 2011

ISLAMABAD, Mar 20 (APP): National Commission on Status of Women (NCSW) has finalized the draft for legislation on acid crime and its prevention, proposing severe punishment for the perpetrators and rehabilitation of acid burn victims on the expenses of the state. Talking to APP, an official of NCSW on Sunday said that the punishment of crime should be according to the intensity of the burn injury. 

NCSW has also proposed to set up a rehabilitation board comprising lawyers, doctors and civil society members for providing every possible assistance to the victims of acid crimes.

The bill submitted by Ministry of Women Development (MoWD) and Acid Survivor Foundation (ASF) for review, has been divided into two parts to separately deal with ‘Acid Crimes’ and ‘Acid Prevention.’ 

‘Acid Crimes Bill’ advocates severe punishment for the perpetrators while  ‘Acid Prevention Bill’ is drafted for controlling the distribution of acid and evolving a mechanism to criminalize its unlawful sale.

According to the law, the hospitals treating acid burn victims will be responsible to report the matter to the police, the official informed. 
However, the state will be responsible to bear the expenses of health facilities including, therapy, treatment and surgeries and also the legal expenses during the trial which can be recovered from the convict after decision of the case.

Some legislation carry ‘Qisas’ and ‘Diyat’ element to settle the matter.

The legal, gender experts, members of civil society and lawyers who reviewed the bill have termed the acid crime as crime against state and proposed removing of the clause of forgiveness from the legislation, the official informed.

Earlier, two private members bill have been presented in the Parliament by Fakhar-un-Nisa and Marvi Memon while this legislation will be tabled soon as government bill. 

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pakistan spends 7 times more on arms than on schools

Source: Dawn

Date: March 2, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan, with one of the world`s largest out-of-school population, about 7.3 million, spends over seven times as much on arms as on primary schools, says a report of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).

The discrepancy between primary education and military expenditure is so large that just one-fifth of Pakistan`s military spending would be sufficient to finance the universal primary education, asserts the `Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011` published on Tuesday.

It said that diversion of national resources to the military and loss of government revenue meant that armed conflict shifted the responsibility for education financing from government to households. The report called on national governments and donors to urgently review the potential for converting unproductive spending on weapons into productive investment in schools.

The 1999-2008 period which was marked by high economic growth, real growth in education spending was higher than the rates of economic growth. The total public expenditure on education as percentage of GNP was 2.9 per cent in 2008, compared to 2.6 per cent in 1999.

The report says that the impact of armed conflict on education has been widely neglected. This hidden crisis is reinforcing poverty, undermining economic growth and holding back the progress of nations. In Pakistan, some 600,000 children in three districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were reported in 2009 to have missed one year or more of school because of conflict and displacement.

Insurgent groups in KPK and Fata have attacked girls` primary and secondary schools. The report says that motives for attacking education infrastructure vary. Schools may be seen as embodying state authority and, therefore, a legitimate target, especially when insurgent groups oppose, as in Afghanistan, the type of education promoted by governments. The use of schools by armed forces can lead to their being targeted by anti-state groups and abandoned by communities.

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